Photo: Alamy
Excerpt taken from The Economist
"The rise of slime"
Published on Nov 17th 2009
The rise of slime
"We leave an ocean legacy of small, simple, soft, deep, blind, and weedy species. Curtains of jellyfish, lawns of microbes, a mud pile of worms, and perhaps a few lonely anglerfish in the deep sea. The oceans of the future will be alive - nothing will truly kill them - but what remains won't be the life we currently know."
Excerpt taken from The Extreme Life of the Sea
Written by Stephen R. Palumbi, Anthony R. Palumb
"... the world's oceans are undergoing a profound shift because of overfishing, habitat destruction and warming. The effects are seen in the rise of jellyfish and also in algal blooms and "blobs", something [Dr Jeremy Jackson] describes as 'the rise of slime'"